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时间:2019-05-07来源:565net必赢官方网 点击: 14610

曲舒文,565net必赢官方网副教授,硕士生导师。本硕博分别毕业于西南财经大学、四川大学及香港中文大学。曾任教于香港中文大学文化研究系,565net必赢官方网深圳旅游学院英语系,2019年调入565net必赢官方网工作,2020年获聘“暨南双百英才”杰青第二层次岗位。文章发表在Social Semiotics, Cultural Studies, Information, Communication and Society,《文艺研究》,《文艺理论研究》,《文化研究》等A&HCI, SSCICSSCI期刊。主持国家哲学社科青年项目,深圳市哲社科“十三五”规划项目及广州市社科联等课题。

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and Communication at Jinan University, and is also the Co-Investigator on the MUSICSTREAM project. I did my PhD on Chinese female rock musicians, in Cultural Studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2015. My major academic interest has been about music and sounds, including popular music, music technology and communication, gender studies, voice/voicing studies and sound studies. I have published articles in Social Semiotics, Cultural Studies, Information, Communication and Society, Journal of Popular Music Studies, and Space and Culture. My recent researches explore the platformisation of music, and its impacts on music production, distribution and consumption, with a particular interest in the issues of everyday music experience and human flourishing/wellbeing. I welcome graduate students who have genuine interests and strong motivation in exploring world of music and sounds, and its complicated but delicate relationship to culture, media and society at large.



招生方向1) 欢迎对音乐、声音及性别文化感兴趣的研究,优先考虑英语读写能力突出者,有兴趣者可发个人简历、研究设想及写作样本(或毕业论文)到工作邮箱。2) 以及对影音艺术创作及其相关文化创意实践感兴趣的同学,期待与你一起探索和联结更多可能性。





本科生课程:《影视音乐》,《音乐、社会与文化》,Audio-visual Languages, An Introduction to Broadcasting





Shuwen, Qu. Bondy Kaye (forthcoming). “Charting Anonymous Hits: how short video platforms are changing Chinese music industries?”. David Hesmondhalgh edited, Music Streaming Around the World (University of California Press).

曲舒文,徐敏(2024. “无家可归,无处可依?”:虾米难民的记忆想象与情动怀旧. 《国际新闻界》,46(4): 134-155. https://doi.org/10.13495/j.cnki.cjjc.2024.04.002

曲舒文(即出). 中国流媒体音乐平台的生态系统及价值创造.

曲舒文,何天然(即出). “分享不能分享的情绪”:朋友圈音乐分享作为一种自我技术,《音乐与声音研究》.

曲舒文,程睿婷(即出). 独立音乐人DIY实践与音乐平台可供性研究,《音乐与声音研究》 .

Shuwen, Qu. (2023). “Water, Asylum, Metamorphasis, Freak Show”: Flourishing through Streaming Karaoke Play. Cultural Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2023.2274083.

Shuwen, Qu, Hesmondhalgh, David & Jian, X. (2021). Music Streaming Platforms and Self-releasing Musicians: The Case of China. Information, Communication and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2021.1971280.

曲舒文(2017. 中国独立音乐的话语流变与场景重构,《文艺研究》(11):113-126.

曲舒文(2016. 音乐“创客”了没?—重探中国独立音乐,《文化科技蓝皮书:文化科技创新发展报告(2016)》,北京:社会科学文献出版社.



曲舒文,王馨2024. 音乐幽灵学的不满与希望. 《中国图书评论》,(4)23-35.

Shuwen, Qu, Jian, X (2020). “The Making of Singer-songwriters: Exploring the Authorship and Ethos of Contemporary Folk Music in Mainland China”. Journal of Popular Music Studies, 1 March 2020; 32 (1): 78-105.

曲舒文,李丹舟(2019.“唱作人”作为方法:论流行音乐的原真性与作者性,《文艺理论研究》, (1):  72-81.

Jian, X & Shuwen, Qu (2020). “Everybody’s Donghu”: Artistic Resistance and the Reclaiming of Public Space in China. Space and Culture. https://doi.org/10.1177/12063312209029803

Jian, X & Shuwen, Qu (2019). “Performance as Intervention: Understanding the Practices of Chinese Punk Musicians”. Journal of Popular Music Studies, 2 June 2019; 31 (2): 107-126.

曲舒文(2012. 谁的“摇滚精神”?:警惕中国摇滚音乐研究的定式思维, 《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》(3): 74-79.

曲舒文(2013. 喧闹的下体和分裂的主体:《搞笑漫画日和》的阴暗启示, 《文化研究(第14辑)》(2013年春). 北京:社会科学文献出版社.



曲舒文(2024). 聆听的颠覆性:平台音综《乐队的夏天2》的阴性噪音与声音政治. 《文艺理论研究》,44(3):173-183.

Shuwen, Qu (2018). “Her ‘Vocal Authority’: The Semiotic and Cultural Soundscape of Chinese Female Rock Singers’ Voices in the Late 1990s.” Social Semiotics 28, no. 3: 349-370.

曲舒文(2016). 中国女性摇滚音乐人的“不可见”和“不可说”?, 《文化研究季刊》(台湾), 154, 6:7-34.

曲舒文(2018). 音乐与性别——第九届ICTM国际传统音乐学会研讨会述评,《人民音乐》 (2):70-73.




合作研究者(Co-Investigator),欧盟研究理事会ERC项目“音乐流媒体:流媒体时代的音乐文化”(MUSICSTREAM: Music Culture in the Age of Streaming)(在研中)


